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Conditional Running

Processors support an optional if field that uses the expr expression language for conditional execution.

Basic Usage

If provided, the processor only runs when the condition evaluates to true. The condition has access to the current log entry context as service.

- drop:
if: " != 'local'"

Condition Types

Null Checks

Check for null/nil values safely using optional chaining with ?:

- set:
if: "service._temp_?.timezone_offset != null && service._temp_?.timezone_offset != 'local'"
field: timezone
value: "{{service._temp_.timezone_offset}}"

- drop:
if: " == nil && == 'outbound'"

Numeric Comparisons

Compare numeric values using standard operators:

- set:
if: "service.source?.packets > 5 && service.destination?.packets < 30"
field: traffic_status
value: "normal"

Array Operations

Check array contents using contains and notcontains (or !contains):

- drop:
if: "['Drop', 'Reject', 'Block', 'Prevent'].contains(service.checkpoint?.rule_action)"

- set:
if: "['Reject', 'Block', 'Prevent'].notcontains(service.checkpoint?.rule_action)"
field: allow_status
value: true

String Operations

Work with strings using various methods:

# Case-insensitive contains
- set:
if: "service.checkpoint.product.toLowerCase().contains('example')"
field: is_example
value: true

# Using lower() function
- set:
if: "lower(checkpoint.product) contains 'example'"
field: is_example
value: true

Key Existence Checks

Check if fields or keys exist:

- set:
if: "service.containsKey('network')"
field: has_network
value: true

- set:
if: "'direction')"
field: has_direction
value: true

Complex Conditions

For better readability, complex conditions can be split across multiple lines using > in YML:

- set:
if: >
service?._temp_?.external_zones != null &&
service?._temp_?.internal_zones != null &&
service?.observer?.ingress?.zone != null &&
service?.observer?.egress?.zone != null &&
service._temp_.external_zones.contains( &&
field: zone_status
value: "external"

Pipeline Branching

The if condition can be used to conditionally execute different pipelines:

- pipeline:
name: network_traffic
if: "service?.source.packets != null && service.destination.packets != null"

- pipeline:
name: threat_detection
if: "service.threat?.indicator?.confidence > 50"

- fail:
if: " == nil"
message: "Network direction must be specified"

Use optional chaining (?.) to safely access nested fields without causing null pointer exceptions.


Keep conditions simple and focused for better performance and maintainability.